Are you ready to reclaim clarity, authenticity and creative freedom as a business leader?

Sam Starr

Leadership Coaching

Holistic Depth Coaching
Psychosynthesis Coaching


I co-founded a 7-figure business as a mum, wife and recovering co-dependent. Juggling life and family with growing a business was hard. Burn-out was hot on my heels and by the time I made my exit I didn’t know who I was anymore.

This is why I support business leaders like you.

“I have a new, creative energy around my next steps”

When you come out of thinking and doing,

and you’re more present to what is,

then you can discover

what is attempting to become.

Awakening your intuition

Creating space to connect your vision

Drawing from your felt experience and the symbolism of ancestral images and stories

Leadership Coaching Packages

Would you like to work with guided visualisation, mindfulness, tarot archetypes and synchronicity to connect to your personal and spiritual growth as a business leader?


90-minute sense-making for balanced growth and resilience

Using the embodied sense-making of D.I.P, this 90 minute consultation is for inner reflection on a current issue.

Meeting fortnightly (either online or North London), we work towards your goal by discovering unconscious patterns of behaviour and harnessing your drive for change. Great for self-awareness, creative freedom and improving relationships as a business founder. This package starts with a one-hour chemistry call (free of charge).

exit strategy

90-minute sense-making for a sluggish business

90 minutes to tap into your intuition and embodied sense on how/whether/when to close the business.

Meeting fortnightly (either online or North London) we investigate your exit from the business and your relationship to legacy and meaningful impact. This package starts with a one-hour chemistry call (free of charge). This is a deep connection to self in order to get confirmation on intuitive, strategic thinking and how to improve self-leadership.



60-minute consultation (online)

Invite synchronicity and insight using the archetypes of the tarot. Card spreads are based on psychosynthesis models of change. Perfect for guidance to a question that’s troubling you. The cards will illuminate where you are holding yourself back and what your intuition wants for you. Very practical guidance. No specific question required.


for you?

You’re managing more than one demanding role and carrying a lot of responsibility. People are depending on you: your team members or staff as well as family and other loved ones.

You feel that change is needed but the choices you make will have ramifications. You want to make decisions that feel authentic and aligned with your integrity.

Done with over-thinking and over-analysing, you want to find a way forward by connecting with your deeper feelings, your felt sense and your intuition.

Psychosynthesis coaching / D.i.P leadership coaching is a supportive framework to explore inner awareness and self acceptance in order to find a new way forwards.

Are you longing to follow a more authentic path but apprehensive about the impact of that on those around you?


Helping people find their a-ha moments is one of the aspects of my work that I find most fulfilling.

For me, an a-ha moment is when something suddenly becomes clear after a period of confusion. It might be when you realise that a childhood survival strategy is actually getting in the way of a cherished dream. Or when you finally understand what your intuition has been trying to tell you but you’ve just been too busy or too afraid to hear it.

Are you ready to align with your intuition?

Stop overthinking, get present and find flow.



I’m a transpersonal psychologist and intuitive life and leadership coach, with an MA in Psychosynthesis Psychology. I’m also a meditation teacher, advanced tarot practitioner and an award-winning entrepreneur.

My work with clients is grounded in the psychological theory of psychosynthesis. I offer a bridge between that deeper yearning to be more than you are today and the psychological factors keeping you stuck.

Holding space for that ‘in-between’, I support you in recovering or discovering yourself so you can feel safe to move forward.

What is psychosynthesis?

Psychosynthesis is a psychology which supports personal growth and change through the synthesis and integration of your personal story with the pull to live authentically and ‘soulfully’.

For this reason, psychosynthesis can be referred to as a ‘depth psychology’ or ‘soul psychology’.

Here are some different ways to work at depth:

  • Bringing different ‘parts’ into harmony
  • Using archetypal imagery for insight
  • Overcoming limiting beliefs and mindsets
  • Discovering personality types and styles
  • Inviting synchronicity and exploration


Flow is a feeling. It’s what happens when we stop overthinking and get present. It’s that liberating feeling of:

this is who I am …

this is how I want to show up in the world …

this is my ideal life …

But how do we access that state of flow?

Everyone has their own way. My childhood hobbies were mostly musical, and this was how I found my flow. I would play the piano, sing and write poetry. In these moments, I was immersed in self-expression, without a care in the world. I still play and sing now. These things keep me in flow. It’s a state of pure presence and something I also cultivate in my sessions with clients.

Grounding ourselves in this state of intuitive flow is a powerful way to approach our decision-making.



Sign up here for my Authentic Leadership newsletter and events calendar and I'll send you a free one moment meditation to say thanks.

Workshops, talks and events

If you’d like to find out more, I’d love to welcome you to my next event. Tickets can be found on Eventbrite.

For a flavour of the workshops, talks and events that I host take a look on my LinkedIn profile. And while you’re there, let’s connect!



'Bigger picture guidance'

I was at a point in my life when I needed to make a big decision. After working with Sam I felt so much clearer and it gave me the courage to take the next step. I hadn’t worked with tarot before but it was a fantastic platform and gave a kind of ‘bigger picture’ guidance

SME Founder

Great for business strategy

Sam coached me on my business strategy. By asking specific questions she carefully led me down a path of self-awareness and realisation of what matters to me and what I really want to stand for.

A.B., Solopreneur

Highly recommend

Can’t recommend Sam enough. She understands the complex role of the business leader and what makes people thrive. She gets to the real essence of who you are, what you want and how to be your authentic and optimum self

T.B., C-level executive



What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

Would not a rose by any other name smell as sweet? Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet wished that their names were meaningless. However, while the rose...